Friday 22 July 2011

Poetry Magazine

I came across this fantastic journal yesterday which according to their website is 'the oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world'. Little wonder.

Inside this find were some absolute treasures, among them 'In The High Country' by  David St. John. There are too many wonderful and eminently thievable things in this poem, the kind of things that make you wish you had thought of them first. Sadly, I didnt, but the poem is consolation enough...

In The High Country

Some days I am happy to be no one
The shifting grasses

In the May winds are miraculous enough
As they ripple through the meadow of lupine

The field as iridescent as a Renaissance heaven
& do you see that boy with his arms raised

Like one of Raphael’s angels held within
This hush & this pause & the sky’s lapis expanse?

That boy is my son & I am his only father
Even when I am no one

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