Monday 11 July 2011

Another of my own for good measure...

River Bed

If, at night, I should wade into a river,
it is not because I have followed the moon
and the reflections it tricks off the water like flotsam.

Say that I wade in a river at night
that the water might make a pearl of my insides,  
fathoms deep in the swim of the tide.

Say I have gone to the river tonight
to rest my head in the thick of the kelp,
to imagine myself in the melt of the waters,

And if, by day, I have not ferried back,
it is only because I am sunk in the loam
and the eddy’s closed over around me.

Then say I am lost and build me a cairn
out of coral, for this is the place where my body
will rest and the river will flow on above me.

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